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EB HyperText
EB, the Electronic Book, is a simple topic oriented
hypertext viewing program. Topics may contain links to
other topics or programs. A topic may even reside in
another hypertext file. The links appear as highlighted
hot-spots which when activated by the viewer force a jump to
the specified target topic or program. The viewer can of
course backtrack over any jump, a process known as popping
the hyperstack. Traditionally all literature has had a
linear presentation scheme determined by the author.
Hypertext has liberated the audience by allowing each to
choose somewhat the order of presentation and the admission
or omission of material. Hypertext pundits however have
largely ignored the qualities of a book that allow its
reader nonlinear access, namely the Table of Contents and
Index. EB incorporates both, hence the name Electronic
EB Hypertext Viewing
Usage: eb -m -ttopic pathname
m optionally force monochrome display
ttopic optional topic in hypertext file
pathname optional hypertext file
The following commands are available:
F1 Help
F3 Load new HyperText file
F10, AltT Table of Contents
AltF10, AltI Index
CR Tranverse HyperLink
AltF1, BACKSP Backtrack HyperLink
F6 Toggle 25 - 43/50 lines
ShiftF6 Toggle monochrome/color
AltX Exit
UpArr Line up
DnArr Line down
LArr Character left
RArr Character right
CtrlLArr Word left
CtrlRArr Word right
PgUp Page up
PgDn Page down
CtrlW Scroll up
CtrlZ Scroll down
CtrlPgUp First page of current topic
CtrlPgDn Last page of current topic
Home Beginning of line
End End of line
CtrlHome Top of window
CtrlEnd Bottom of window
Tab Next hyperlink
ShiftTab Previous hyperlink
Typing characters will take you to the first hyperlink
that matches the prefix thus far typed. Typing any
non-matching characters truncates the prefix to begin
anew the process with the next character typed.
EB HyperText Authoring
The EB hypertext system is designed to allow hypertext
authoring with any ASCII editor and the rapid conversion of
existing material to hypertext. Taking any existing text
file you can embed topic/clue specifiers from which EB can
automatically create a table of contents and index on reader
demand. You can also embed hyperlink specifiers.
Hyperlinks are highlighted text hot-spots that force jumps
to other topics in any hypertext file or launch programs
when choosen by your readers. When the modified text file
is subsequently viewed with EB, the specifiers are invisible
to the reader. Instead the reader is left with hypertext,
and the ability to instantly jump to the table of contents
or index and subsequent topic, or across any hyperlink.
Let's first see how to embed a new topic along with optional
clues in your text.
The ">|" characters must appear at the start of a new line
and the specifier must not extend pass the end of the line.
Specifier lines are limited to 256 characters including the
new line character. "Topic" is what ever text you want to
appear in the table of contents. Topics appear in the table
of contents in the same sequential order that they appear in
the file. "Clue" is what ever text you want to appear in
the index. The index is comprised of an alphabetical
listing of topics and clues. From the table of contents or
index, the reader can instantly jump to the entry's
corresponding topic. You can supply as many clues as you
want or none at all. Each new clue is introduced with the
"|" character. The "|<" characters terminate the topic/clue
specifier. The topic begins on the next line after the "|<"
characters. The topic/clue specifier is formally called the
inlinks specifier.
Each hyperlink is specified in two parts, a launch and a
target. The launch is the highlighted text hot-spot in your
original text and is delimited with the tilde diacritical
mark. A corresponding target must appear in the outlinks
specifier. Suppose you want the word "time" as in:
Now is the time for all good authors ...
is to be a launch. Simply bracket the word "time" with the
tilde diacritical mark:
Now is the ~time~ for all good authors ...
The first tilde turns on highlighting while the second turns
it off. The tildes are invisible when viewed with EB. This
implementation of the launch allows the hypertext to appear
in nearly the same spatial layout when authoring as when
viewing. More than one launch may appear on the same line
but none may wrap to the next line. Place two tildes
immediately adjacent to each other if you want a tilde to
appear as visible text instead of indicating the beginning
or end of a launch. Extending our example alittle:
Now is the ~time~ for all good authors ...
The inlinks specifier indicates the start of a new topic
called "Authoring." No clues have been specified. The
context of this topic includes the one launch indicating
that the word "time" is to be highlighted. The outlinks
specifier terminates the topic and contains the target,
"DOS", which the reader will be taken to if the "time"
hyperlink is choosen. The outlinks specifier must also
appear at the start of a new line and not extend beyond the
end of the line.
Let's extend our example again:
Now is the ~time~ for all good authors to turn their
ordinary text into ~hypertext!~
<|DOS|hyped text|>
A second launch and corresponding target has been added,
namely "hypertext!" and its target "hyped text".
Now for the whole example:
Now is the ~time~ for all good authors to turn their
ordinary text into ~hypertext!~
<|DOS|hyped text|>
>|Hyped Text|<
Hyped text is ordinary text with embedded hypertext
~time~ ~date~
~Other DOS Commands~
<|^?command.com /ctime|^>date|^dos.htx|>
In this example there are three topics: "Authoring", "Hyped
Text", and "DOS". Nameless topics are will be unreachable
if more one such topic exists in the file. Nameless clues
serve to other purpose than putting more than one entry into
the index for a given topic. "Authoring" is the default
topic for the file since it appears first. The "Hyped Text"
topic doesn't have any hyperlinks. Notice that the target
pairing of "hyped text" with the topic "Hyped Text" is case
insensitive! The "DOS" topic has three launches all with
far targets. The first target is an spawn call to the DOS
command processor. The second target demonstrates the
preferred way to make a system call. The last target is the
default (first) topic in the hypertext file entitled
"dos.htx". Spawn calls return immediately upon termination
to the page that spawned them. System calls ask the user to
"Press any key ..." before returning. Besure to read the
format reference section for complete details!
EB HyperText Grammar
The production rules below outline the grammar recognized by
the Electronic Book. Explanations of the rules follow
immediately after. Applying the production rules you can
construct the format schema of any hypertext file readible
by EB. The name of the rule appears to the left and its
production to the right. If the production contains rules
these rules must likewise be expanded until all rules are
replace with terminal symbols. Rule names are capitalized
while terminals begin with lower case.
For example, starting with "HyperFile", expanding the rule
provides for a file of optional comments followed by one or
more "HyperTopics" which may be separated by additional
comments. Optional components of the production are
enclosed in brackets, i.e. []. Items considered together
are enclosed in braces, i.e. {}. The "+" means one or more
while the "*" means zero or more. The "|" symbol means
either that which preceeds or that which follows but not
both. If any of these special symbols are preceeded by a
"\" then it is to be taken literally thus devoid of any
special meaning. It's really not as hard as it may seem at
first glance. Try your hand at reading the rules and their
explanations. It will be easier to understand if you read
the section on authoring first.
HyperFile: [comments]{HyperTopic[comments]}+
HyperTopic: Inlinks Context Outlinks
Inlinks: >\|topic{\|clue}*\|<
Context: [text]{Launch[text]}*
Outlinks: <\|[Target{\|Target}*]\|>
Launch: ~any text~
Target: Near Target | Far Target
Near Target: topic |
Far Target: topic^HyperFileName |
default^HyperFileName |
ignore^>system call |
ignore^?spawn call
HyperFileName: pathname.ext |
pathname |
A HyperFile contains one or more HyperTopics. Any text not
residing within a HyperTopic is considered a comment and is
not visible to the reader.
A HyperTopic is comprised of an inlinks specifier, context
of the topic, and outlinks specifier. Only the context is
visible to the reader.
An Inlinks specifier contains topic and clue strings which
must not contain the '|', '>', or '<' characters.
Furthermore the topic string may not contain the "^"
character. One or more clues are optional. Only the first
nameless topic in a file will be reachable from the Table of
Contents, Index, or via a hyper-jump. Nameless clues serve
no other purpose than creating more than one entry in the
Index for a given topic.
The Context contains all visible text for the topic and any
number of hyperlink launches.
An Outlinks specifier contains any number of targets for the
launches within the Context. The first target corresponds to
the first launch, the second target to the second launch,
and so on. If a launch doesn't have a corresponding target,
then the launch is aborted if attempted. The target strings
must not contain the '|', '>', or '<' characters.
A Launch is delimited with the tilde diacritical mark, i.e.
~. The offset text will appear highlighted. Choosing the
launch takes the reader to the target, if successful
otherwise the launch is aborted. Two tildes appearing
together in the text will appear as one visible tilde to the
reader and will not be interpretted as a launch delimiter.
A Target can be either near or far.
A Near target specifies a topic within the current hypertext
file. The empty string indicates the default topic which is
considered always to be the first topic of a hypertext file.
A Far Target specifies either a (default) topic in another
specified hypertext file or an operating system/spawn call,
in which case any topic string is simply ignored.
The HyperFileName is any legal pathname. When the file
extension is absent it is assume to be ".htx". No extension
can be specified by appending a period to the pathname.
Notes: In this first version of EB a restriction has been
placed on the both inlinks and outlinks specifiers to begin
at the start of a new line and not extend pass the end of
that line. The format specification above doesn't require
this - it is simply to make the parsing of the file faster
and easier this first time around. Likewise, launches are
required to appear on one line and lines are limited to 256
characters. The grammar specification has been deliberately
designed to facilitate the adding of screen formating
information and application language capabilities, e.g.
variables, logic flow and I/O masks (both user and file
EB HyperText Registration
EB is meant to be primarily a demonstration of how easy it
is to use the FlexList programming tool. EB source code is
included with FlexList. Those portions not tightly coupled
to FlexList are also available as Freeware. EB was coded
entirely without cutting any linked list code, FlexList did
it all. This version of EB.EXE is freeware, meaning that
there is no fee for using EB.EXE, but you must leave my
copyright notice intact! Shareware/Freeware distributors
are also free to distribute it. Commercial venders may
bundle EB.EXE (unmodified) with their software without cost
but in any literature mentioning it they must give proper
credit to PSW! Licensing is required for other uses, e.g.
you must register FlexList to incorporate components of EB
into your software.
FlexList II ANSI && K&R C $79.95
FlexList II C++ $79.95
* Ready-to-run C/C++ linked lists.
* Hybrid structure: stack, queue, list, array.
* Stores Heterogeneous/homogeneous data.
* Accessible by value, reference or node.
* Source is also broken in separate files along
with makefile for easy library building.
* 100+ page manual
FlexList is also available at a discount from:
The Austin Code Works
11100 Leafwood Lane
Austin, Texas 78750-3587 USA
Voice: (512) 258-0785
FAX: (512) 258-1342
E-mail: info@acw.com
Thanks again for taking a look at EB and how easy it is to
use FlexList in building applications! I hope you can use
it in your shareware/commercial efforts to supply hypertext
manuals to your customers. Your comments, suggestions, and
questions are always welcome.
John W. Small
PSW / Power SoftWare
P.O. Box 10072
McLean, VA 22102 8072 USA
Voice: (703) 759-3838
CIS: 73757,2233
Happy Authoring!